Sunday, December 7, 2014

Our Christmas To-Do/Bucketlist

Hi everybody, today we made a To-do/Bucketlist. In the next month we are going to try to do everything on the list and film/photograph us doing it.
So this is our list:

1. Make and decorate a gingerbread house.

2. Build a snowman. #DoYouWannaBuildASnowman.

3. Watching Christmas movies with hot cocoa.

4. Make DIY Christmas cards for our friends.

5. Setting up and decorate a Christmas tree.

6. Sing-A-Long with Christmas songs.

7. Go sledding.

8. Make snow angels.

9. Bake Christmas things. It can literally be anything cookies, cupcakes, pie, pudding, anything.

10. Go ice skating.

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